Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Poem for Debbie.....1951-2008

A Seat Beside You
by Robert H. Gilbert, Jr.

I never cried so many tears till I saw you lying there
Tonight you will spend it in Heaven above
The smile on your face shows the peace in your heart
Won’t you please save me a seat beside you?

I don’t care if the seat is old or it’s new
Some slats on the back may be missing 1 or 2
The legs may wobble, the seat may be warped
I don’t care as long as I’m next to you

We knew the day would come to say our goodbyes
But, I did not think it would be so soon
The family, they help me when I feel so down
But Mom , they can’t hold me like you do

I prayed to go, to ease the hurt and pain
But the answer I got was, Ok someday
Until the day comes to go beyond the blue
Will you please save me a seat next to you?

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Gwendolyn Sue Crawford

My Mother,Gwendolyn Sue Crawford was born on February 3,1941 to Walker & Mabel Crawford.

She married my Father on March 23,1969. To this marriage,my sister Jeri and I were conceived.

My Maternal Great-Grandparents

Thomas Dorris DOB:4-4-1867

Dicia Sanders DOB:10-15-1870

Leonard, Alpha, Willie, Clara,
Flynn, Ethal, Garnett (my grandmother), & Loretta

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thomas Joy "Foot" Kester

Top: 1947-just before entering the Navy
Center: 1948-as a U.S. Sailor
Bottom: 2006-in Kona,Hawaii